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[VISSCHER], Labyrinte de Versailles, [1682]

Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 

[VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 

Labyrinte de Versailles. The labyrinth of Versailles. Der Irr-Garte zu Versailles. 't Dool-hof tot Versailles. 

Amsterdam, Visscher, Nicolaus, [1682].

4to (223x173 mm), (23)-81-(4)-79-(8) pages (including 41 plates).  binding : Contemporary full vellum, flat spine. Loosing binding. End pappers renewed. Few tear on the edge of engravings. Title page cut at head. 

Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 

Edition in four languages: French, English, German and Dutch.
A marvel of landscape art that has now disappeared, the Labyrinth of Versailles was commissioned from Le Notre by Louis XIV.
Labyrinth of hornbeams opening onto squares decorated with fountains whose lead subjects were multicolored.
Each fountain was inspired by Aesop's Fables.
The work reveals in 41 engravings, the plan of the labyrinth and each of the fountains with for each, the verses and the morals which had inspired them.

Price : 1250 €

Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
Photo [VISSCHER, Nicolaus]. 
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